Inside Art



Van Gogh quote

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"Aren't you smart!" Trish said. "Van Gogh liked what the Impressionists had done, but felt that Impressionism didn't give him enough freedom to express his emotions. He paved the way for the Expressionists, who were even bolder with their use of color to express themselves. In fact, Expressionists used such shocking colors that they were nicknamed 'fauves' or 'wild beasts.'"

I was confused. "So Van Gogh wasn't an Impressionist or an Expressionist?"

"No," Trish said. "But his unique style was a bridge between the Impressionists and the Expressionists. Of course, Van Gogh didn't call himself a Post-Impressionist. Looking back, people saw what an important role Van Gogh had played in art history and labelled his style Post-Impressionist to describe his place in the history of art."
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"I think I get it," I said.

Trish looked proud. "Great! What now, kid? Learn more about this painting, or try to get out?"

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